Deutliche Symptome treten erst bei ausgeprägter Hypothyreose auf.Ein Jodmangel oder eine Schilddrüsenunterfunktion sind allerdings nicht die einzigen möglichen Gründe für die Schilddrüsenvergrößerung. On the contrary, UV radiation is even used to remove active chlorine from water (Y.Richard in "Oxidation Processes in Drinking Water Treatment", Lecture by Engler-Bunte Inst. Bei Kindern ist die Versorgungslage mit Jod im Allgemeinen gut. Von diesen Beschwerden sollten Sie einem Arzt berichten.Jodetten Henning 1x wöchentlich Tabletten: Wenn sich die Haut rötet, juckt und sich zusätzlich Bläschen bilden, vertragen Sie das Mittel vermutlich nicht. If one tries to combine UV radiation of this wavelength range with chlorination or bromination, the individual effects are not added, since the halogens absorbing in the bactericidal spectral range or with the subhalogenous acids and their salts in equilibrium with this loss of the oxidation or disinfection power are photolyzed, but at the same time the oxidizing or disinfectant absorbing the bactericidal UV as dissolved radiation filters protect the microorganisms from excessive exposure to UV rays. Da der Körper es nicht selbst bilden kann, muss man Jod regelmäßig über die Nahrung zu sich nehmen.. Jod ist natürlicherweise vor allem im Meerwasser sowie in den im Meer lebenden Tieren und Pflanzen enthalten. Jod kommt nur in geringer Menge im Körper vor, ist aber lebensnotwendig.Deshalb bezeichnet man es auch als essenzielles Spurenelement. For example, chlorine, hypochlorous acid, sodium or calcium hypochlorite or suitable chlorine donors such as N-chlorine compounds of the type of N-chloramine, N.N'-dichlorodimethylhydantoin, chloramine-T etc., and also bromine and bromine compounds such as 1.3-Dibromo-5.5-dimethylhydantoin etc. Um einen Jodmangelkropf zu behandeln, erhalten Säuglinge, Kinder und Jugendliche Jodid in einer Dosierung von 100 bis 200 Mikrogramm.Jodetten Henning 1x wöchentlich Tabletten: Kinder unter sechs Jahre können das Mittel in einer Dosierung von einer halben Tablette pro Woche erhalten. swimming poolsControlling or monitoring parameters in water treatmentCombined iodine-ultraviolet water desinfection process
94 to 115, especially pp. A method for disinfecting water with elemental iodine, in which the water is mixed with iodine, characterized in that the water is irradiated with an effective dose of UV radiation in the wavelength range from 250 to 320 nm.2. Furthermore, there is an increase in iodine-resistant bacteria (Alcaligenes faecalis and Pseudomonas alcaligenes), especially in the filter system, which is why too high a total number of bacteria is found, which falsifies the assessment of the sanitary condition of the water by the total number of bacteria (MSFavero, ZHDrake, Appl.Microbiol. Der Jodmangel kann sich folglich durch Anzeichen einer Schilddrüsenunterfunktion bemerkbar machen wie:Hinzu können viele weitere, teils schwerwiegende Folgen einer Schilddrüsenunterfunktion kommen, wenn der Jodmangel ausgeprägt ist.Ein Jodmangel macht sich erst allmählich bemerkbar. Only the surprising UV permeability of the iodine solutions in the bactericidal spectral range allows a combination in which the properties of both disinfection methods add up or potentiate.Further developments and advantageous refinements of the method according to the invention are characterized in the subclaims.The redox potential of the water at all times indicates the content of active iodine, which is in pH-dependent equilibrium with subiodic acid. For disinfecting a water reservoir 2 in a closed system, such as a swimming pool, iodide and an oxidising agent which oxidises the iodide to iodine with formation of a steady-state iodine concentration dependent on the requirements are added to the water contained in the swimming pool 1, and the water is circulated. In Japan gehören Algen in verschiedenen Variationen zu den täglichen Mahlzeiten. A method for disinfecting a water supply which is at least partially circulated with elemental iodine, if appropriate with the interposition of a filter system, in which the water supply with iodide in the effective amount which is at least necessary to produce the concentration of elemental iodine required for disinfection ( in mg / l = ppm) is sufficient, and an oxidizing agent is added in an amount which is at least sufficient to produce an effective concentration of elemental iodine, and in which process the iodide is supplemented in accordance with its loss and the oxidizing agent in accordance with its consumption , and the pH of the water supply is kept in the range between 6 to 8, characterized in that the water after adding the necessary amount of iodide in the circulation circuit, optionally after passing through the filter system, with an effective dose of UV radiation in the wavelength range of 250 to 320 nm is irradiated and then the water at d The oxidizing agent is added to UV radiation.3.
94 to 115, especially pp. A method for disinfecting water with elemental iodine, in which the water is mixed with iodine, characterized in that the water is irradiated with an effective dose of UV radiation in the wavelength range from 250 to 320 nm.2. Furthermore, there is an increase in iodine-resistant bacteria (Alcaligenes faecalis and Pseudomonas alcaligenes), especially in the filter system, which is why too high a total number of bacteria is found, which falsifies the assessment of the sanitary condition of the water by the total number of bacteria (MSFavero, ZHDrake, Appl.Microbiol. Der Jodmangel kann sich folglich durch Anzeichen einer Schilddrüsenunterfunktion bemerkbar machen wie:Hinzu können viele weitere, teils schwerwiegende Folgen einer Schilddrüsenunterfunktion kommen, wenn der Jodmangel ausgeprägt ist.Ein Jodmangel macht sich erst allmählich bemerkbar. Only the surprising UV permeability of the iodine solutions in the bactericidal spectral range allows a combination in which the properties of both disinfection methods add up or potentiate.Further developments and advantageous refinements of the method according to the invention are characterized in the subclaims.The redox potential of the water at all times indicates the content of active iodine, which is in pH-dependent equilibrium with subiodic acid. For disinfecting a water reservoir 2 in a closed system, such as a swimming pool, iodide and an oxidising agent which oxidises the iodide to iodine with formation of a steady-state iodine concentration dependent on the requirements are added to the water contained in the swimming pool 1, and the water is circulated. In Japan gehören Algen in verschiedenen Variationen zu den täglichen Mahlzeiten. A method for disinfecting a water supply which is at least partially circulated with elemental iodine, if appropriate with the interposition of a filter system, in which the water supply with iodide in the effective amount which is at least necessary to produce the concentration of elemental iodine required for disinfection ( in mg / l = ppm) is sufficient, and an oxidizing agent is added in an amount which is at least sufficient to produce an effective concentration of elemental iodine, and in which process the iodide is supplemented in accordance with its loss and the oxidizing agent in accordance with its consumption , and the pH of the water supply is kept in the range between 6 to 8, characterized in that the water after adding the necessary amount of iodide in the circulation circuit, optionally after passing through the filter system, with an effective dose of UV radiation in the wavelength range of 250 to 320 nm is irradiated and then the water at d The oxidizing agent is added to UV radiation.3.