A flawed and contested parliamentary election in October 2018 and uncertainty around the presidential election in September 2019 have furthered political instability. USIP’s Andrew Wilder looks at what this means for the decades-long Afghan conflict. June 2019 We’ve conducted rule of law research and pilot projects across all regions of Afghanistan, with past and current projects spanning 18 provinces. Thematic areas include community court observation, women’s access to justice, legislative monitoring, and constitutional analysis.USIP has a variety of newsletters and announcements with the latest analysis, publications and events.Afghanistan’s peace process could be taking a major step forward in August with the potential commencement of intra-Afghan talks, said the U.S. chief negotiator on Friday. Der geplante Gefangenenaustausch droht zu scheitern: Die Taliban haben angekündigt, nicht mehr an Treffen mit der afghanischen Regierung teilzunehmen.

Grassroots peace movements and a three-day cease-fire between the Afghan government and the Taliban in June 2018 demonstrate … Die Islamische Republik Afghanistan wird beherrscht vom Terror der Taliban und Korruption.

Die Große Ratsversammlung soll nun einen Weg finden. Search for experts, projects, publications, courses, and more. Despite some promising developments, many issues lay ahead that must be resolved before a sustainable peace process can be undertaken, and numerous spoilers could possibly derail this process. Eine Gruppe Taliban stürmte ihr Haus und erschoss ihre Eltern. Welche Folgen hat das für Deutschlands Sicherheit? European Asylum Support Office . Sie waren zusammen im Afghanistan-Einsatz. Doch die Kontrahenten setzen auf Gewalt. Wo gekämpft wird – ein Überblick. Russia’s support for the Taliban, however, has largely been tactical in nature. Mai 2017 forderte ein Anschlag in unmittelbarer Nähe der deutschen Botschaft in Kabul viele Todesopfer und Verletzte. Die Behörden hielten die Gruppe lange im Blick und hoben sie jetzt aus. In early 2019, the Afghanistan Ministry of Higher Education announced that the peace education curriculum would be offered as a for-credit course in all Afghan Universities during the next school year.

USIP also promotes grassroots peacebuilding to engage all levels of Afghan society, using district-level projects to discover what local leaders, women, and youth groups want from a peace process and then training them to assist and empower stakeholders to negotiate effectively to advance their interests. 'Afghanistans erste Roboter-Kellnerin bittet zu TischTrump zu Überraschungs-Truppenbesuch in AfghanistanMehr als 60 Tote nach Anschlag auf Moschee in Afghanistan Its representativeness, however, is uneven and problematic. Grassroots peace movements and a three-day cease-fire between the Afghan government and the Taliban in June 2018 demonstrate Afghans’ widespread desire for sustainable peace. Verhandlungen der Taliban mit Kabul könnten den Krieg in Afghanistan beenden.

Die Islamische Republik Afghanistan wird beherrscht vom Terror der Taliban und Korruption. Both Washington and Moscow ultimately have a converging strategic interest in a relatively stable Afghanistan without a long-term U.S. presence that will not be a haven for transnational terrorists. Statt Erregung wäre eine nüchterne Betrachtung nötig. Wednesday, May 1, 2019 As the peace process stumbles forward, one critical but often overlooked element is the role of Afghanistan’s Central Asian neighbors.After decades of conflict, Afghanistan is closer to a political settlement than ever before. Sie prägen das Bild, das sich die Ministerin macht. A micro-version of the course will also be made available as a free resource.Through our in-house expertise and broad network of international and Afghan partners, USIP publishes research—including field studies—to inform policymakers and peacebuilding practitioners on the key topics related to peace and conflict in Afghanistan, including the underlying drivers of conflict, peace negotiations, security, the economy, and politics. Die Bundeswehr zieht sich aus Afghanistan zurück.